Raw & Natural

Herd Shares: What You Need To Know Before Buying

We’re betting a dollar to a doughnut that you never thought you might be part owner our dairy herd.

As a herd share owner… you are part owner of some dairy cows.  And as a legal owner, you are entitled to part of the dairy milk that is produced.

For News, updates and possible drop site locations on Minnesota, we encourage you to sign-up to our herd share email list.

What is a herd share? 

A herd share, also known as a farm share, cow share, goat share, etc., is where people buy shares of a milking animal or herd, and pay the farmer to care for the animals and milk them. As owners, the shareholders are entitled to the milk from their animals. ~Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Does a herd share give you the right to other value-added products, like butter, cream, cheese curds, etc…?

The lawyers that approved our herd share structure has taken the position that a herd share gives you the right to other value-added products.  If the State of Minnesota contests it, we will have a legal team to defend our stance.

Can you purchase value-added products without entering into a herd share agreement?

No. We are legally forbidden to sell non-pasteurize dairy products (other than milk & cream).  Under our herd share agreement, you are not buying any food product.  You are part owner of the herd and contribute to the herd’s boarding and care.  As a co-owner, a portion of the milk is yours.  If you want other value-added products, like butter, cream, cheese curds, cream cheese, sour cream, etc…, you have the right to hire someone to make those products from your milk.

Do we sell value-added products, like butter, cream, cheese curds, cream cheese, sour cream, etc…?  No.  These products are only available through our herd/milk share agreement.

You are paying us to make value-added products for you?  Yes.

Can you make your own butter from your raw milk? If you have a way to separate the cream from the milk… then yes.

Can you help milk the cows? Ummm… We need to talk.

To start getting milk, email Carol at carol.radtke33@gmail.com or give us a call at 320-220-3235.

http://www.westonaprice.org/ & http://www.realmilk.com/ are two websites with valuable information about the benefits of drinking raw milk.