Raw & Natural

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Certified Organic Micro Dairy: What Carol Has to Say.

The Small Dairy Podcast
The Small Dairy Podcast
A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Certified Organic Micro Dairy: What Carol Has to Say.


Welcome to the Prairies Edge Farm podcast, where you can get an inside look at running a micro dairy and homesteading. Carol, the herdsman and milkmaid, shares her experiences and expertise while also exploring topics like butter and cheese recipes. Prairies Edge stands out in their area as a certified organic micro dairy that offers raw milk, cream, and grass-fed beef and pork. Listen in to learn more about this unique farm and their future plans for raw milk handling classes.

#PrairiesEdgeFarmPodcast #MicroDairyLife #RawMilkCertified


  • [00:00:00] Carol’s Update from Prairies Edge Farm
  • [00:00:34] “Exploring Butter and Cheese Recipes with Prairie’s Edge Organic Dairy Owner”
  • [00:02:20] Prairie’s Edge: From Raw Milk to Micro Dairy
  • [00:04:58] Certified Organic Micro Dairy with Jersey Cows
  • [00:10:06] Upgrading to a New Bulk Tank for Faster Milk Cooling and Increased Sales
  • [00:13:58] Minnesota Dairy Farm Practices: Grass Fed and Clean Water Certified with Raw Milk Sales Allowed.
  • [00:20:09] Prairies Edge Organic Dairy considers opening classes for raw milk handling

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