Raw & Natural

Podcast: The Small Dairy Podcast

The Calf Wouldn’t Poop

In this episode, Carol is back in the calf barn talking about how to care for a chilled newborn calf Chilled calf care Blossom calved Dealing with a chilled calf The calf warmer Her temp was 91.7ºF In the warmer from 6pm-midnight Tubing a calf Cold calves, sheep, goats can’t digest Cold calves won’t nurse

We’re Meeting Some Awesome People

In this episode Grass-fed Highland Beef New bull calf Our heifers are back Will Emma calf soon? Deer hunting We’re meeting awesome folks through our raw milk sales People love our raw cream We are processing cream daily Cream separator We had frost Time to feed hay – it costs more Free raw milk

The Death Of A Calf

It was a particularly tough week.  We lost a calf to bloat.  We had never run across that before… and it happened so fast.  I ran to the barn for the remedy.  By the time I got back to he, she was at her last breaths.  I apologize for crying while doing the podcast. Topics

How We Raise Our Calves

We're in the barn today, explaining how and why we do some of the things we do, with regards to raising calves.

Cows Don’t Have Top Front Teeth

Did you know that cattle don’t have top front teeth? On this week’s Fun Fact Friday, Carol talks about the ‘How’s’ & ‘Why’s’ cattle do not have front top teeth.

The Cows Are Out!

So many folks think farm-life is “Living the Life.” It doesn’t seem like it when the cows are out. Here, the cows are in our yard.  I’m waiting for Rich to get home so we can them in the fence.

It’s A Beautiful Day

The cows are still on pasture. The calves will be weened soon.  What a beautiful day in Minnesota. Ask about our free raw milk giveaway.

Welcome to Prairie’s Edge Organic Dairy

Not all dairies are the same. In most cases, when a commercial dairy farmer knows his milk is going to be pasteurized, he isn't nearly as careful as a farmer like us, who only sells directly to the customer.